A few months ago I was in the supermarket, probably supposed to be buying washing up liquid or something equally uninteresting, and ended up doing my usual trick of getting distracted by things I don't need. I found myself on the aisle where they have all the ice cream related bits and bobs, standing in front of the wafers and sprinkles and things with E-numbers that are really bad for you, but really really good for you at the same time. I made an impulse purchase of a jar of salted caramel sauce (living life on the edge, I know), but this was quickly relegated to the back of the cupboard when I got home and forgotten about until I was inspired to do some baking by the newest addition to our household...drumroll please...a Kenwood Chef food mixer.
Now, this might not be exciting to you, but to me it's pretty special. Having spent, I kid you not, 3 and a half hours making a red velvet birthday cake last weekend, the prospect of being able to shove the ingredients into a shiny new machine and whip up some cake batter and frosting in minutes without having to clean up after a cloud of icing sugar was very exciting! So, I decided to put the long neglected jar of salted caramel sauce to good use and knock up a batch of cupcakes.
I followed the recipe from this website, adapted from a Hummingbird Bakery book, but used a quarter teaspoon of vanilla extract rather than the cocoa powder as I fancied having a plainer sponge to make the caramel the main flavour. I also baked them on a lower temperature for slightly less time as our oven is a bit dodgy and seems to get ridiculously hot, very quickly. Luckily, I've had enough practice now to know how to save things before they cross over to the wrong side of well done - just call me the oven-whisperer.
When it came to making the frosting, I used this sauce but if I did it again I'd probably boil up a can of condensed milk and add salt to make my own salted caramel. This one does taste really nice, but was a bit runny for me to put inside the cake or drizzle over the top like the recipe advises - I did try! It ended in a bit of a sticky disaster and more of a blotchy mess on top rather than the polished swirls on the Hummingbird version! I think if you had something slightly thicker it would be easier to work with. After a couple of failed attempts, I decided to go with a classic white finish.
It's safe to say I'm no Mary Berry quite yet but hopefully, with enough practice and after another series of the Bake Off, I'll be icing like a pro! Next time you can't decide whether you're craving something salty or sweet, why not give them a go?