Sunday, August 31, 2014

Book Club #2: We Were Liars

There are times when you just need a quick read, something which isn't the size of a brick and won't be too taxing on the old brain cells. A book which I'd really recommend for this kind of occasion is We Were Liars by E. Lockhart. Now don't get me wrong, I don't mean that this book is in any way poorly-written, I just mean that it's incredibly readable and not the type of thing where you'll be bogged down in fancy language or rambling sentences. This is definitely one of the reasons why it only took me a couple of days to finish (the other reasons being that it's pretty short and most importantly, that it's a serious page-turner).

The story follows the wealthy Sinclairs and their summers spent holidaying on their private island - to any onlooker they would give off the image of a perfect, privileged family, but we soon come to learn that there are some darker things going on beneath it all. And let me just say a word for the almighty twist at the end - I did not see that one coming. At all. One of those eyes wide, mouth open, involuntary squeal of surprise moments which I had to try and reign under control so as not to look too demented to my fellow train passengers.

So, if you're looking for a speedy read which provides some interesting characters and doesn't fall down in the plot department then definitely give this one a go - and please tell me whether I'm just a bit slow or whether that ending hit you like a ton of bricks as well! (Note: bricks, not brick-like books - those are for another day...).