Saturday, March 1, 2014

The Staples #5: The Colourful Statement Necklace

(Clockwise from left: Accessorize, Accessorize, Next)

It's time that I came clean; the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem, after all. It's been years in the making and it's not something I'm proud of, but I can't deny it any longer; I have an unhealthy obsession with statement necklaces. My jewellery stand is buckling under the weight of the twenty million purchases I've managed to squeeze onto it and I'm still not satisfied. I can't walk past an Accessorize without being lured in by the window display and every time I go into Zara, I genuinely consider spending thirty quid on one of their jewel-encrusted beauties. 

The way I try to justify it to myself is that they are a staple in my wardrobe and if I think about how often I wear them, then I definitely get my money's worth (Ahh that old chestnut! Don't tell me you've never used that argument before). The thing I love about a statement necklace is that it instantly adds something to an outfit; chuck it on over a plain t-shirt or jumper and you've dressed it up in the space of five seconds. As I've mentioned a thousand times before, I unintentionally dress in monochrome or neutrals too much of the time which is where the insanely bright and colourful options come into play. I'm definitely partial to a slightly garish, over the top necklace that treads the line between amazing and tacky and the three pictured above are amongst my favourites for adding a pop of colour to an outfit. Next on my list is this pastel number for spring...who says I have a problem?

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