I have a really bad habit of starting to read books and not finishing them. I always have about three on the go at once and this isn't really helped by having a Kindle. Don't get me wrong, I do love it, but the ease of buying a book whilst you're sat at home and having it instantly at your fingertips just adds fuel to the fire! I definitely don't need any more books in my life, I've got enough to last me for years already but I can't resist a wander into Waterstones to see what takes my fancy and having a Kindle is like having a 24hr bookshop on your doorstep.
At any one time I'm usually working my way through a couple of books picked off my shelves as well as at least one on my paperwhite. Unfortunately, I can neglect the Kindle at times - it tends to get more of my attention when I'm travelling somewhere or when I want to buy a book for a bit less than the physical copy! However, having just made an impulse buy of John Williams' Stoner after hearing about it on Estée's vlog and then reading a shedload of rave reviews, I thought now would be a good time to go back through a few of the purchases on my Kindle and give it a bit of Christmas lovin'.
A Game of Thrones - George R.R. Martin - An obvious choice and one which doesn't really need any explanation. If you enjoy the TV show but haven't read the first book then you definitely should! I'm part way through the second one at the moment but got really into the programme and watched the whole of season 2 in about a week so unfortunately, A Clash of Kings is another which has inadvertently fallen into the 'started but not finished' category! I'm terrible.
The Shining - Stephen King - This was one which was on some kind of super cheap deal on Amazon - they're so good for feeding my addiction! I've never really read a horror novel before but I'm a big fan of the film so I thought this was a good place to start. Some of the changes to the plot were a bit of a shock, but I find that always tends to happen when you see a film before you read the book and you can understand why they did change some aspects for the screen version. I think you definitely get more of an insight into the characters of Jack's wife and son in the book and the way the tension builds and builds until the culmination at the end is brilliantly done. It really is a good old fashioned page-turner.
The Shining - Stephen King - This was one which was on some kind of super cheap deal on Amazon - they're so good for feeding my addiction! I've never really read a horror novel before but I'm a big fan of the film so I thought this was a good place to start. Some of the changes to the plot were a bit of a shock, but I find that always tends to happen when you see a film before you read the book and you can understand why they did change some aspects for the screen version. I think you definitely get more of an insight into the characters of Jack's wife and son in the book and the way the tension builds and builds until the culmination at the end is brilliantly done. It really is a good old fashioned page-turner.
Les Misérables - Victor Hugo - I grew up loving the musical and used to sit and re-watch the tenth anniversary concert (featuring a very sweaty Michael Ball...nice) over and over again when I was younger. When the film came out last year it was the final straw which spurred me on to read the book - the paper copy is intimidatingly huge so I thought I could cheat myself into it by getting the digital version...unfortunately this is another I haven't got around to reading BUT I will one day. Promise.
Boulle's Jewels: The Business of Life - Francis Boulle - Yes, that's Francis off Made in Chelsea. Bit worrying when one of the only books on my Kindle which I've got through start to finish is a little book of boulleisms. I can't help it, I just love me some MIC (and before you say anything I know it isn't real but neither's Harry Potter so who cares). Francis hasn't really been in it so much for the past couple of series but when it started, he was very much portrayed as a business man to rival Lord Sugar and this is a tongue in cheek look at how he became the 'entrepreneur' he is today. This is good bit of light relief which is super quick to read and perfect to whizz through on your Christmas break! All I need now is Mark Francis to bring out a book of memoirs and I'll be satisfied.
So it seems that the A Song of Ice and Fire series, Les Mis and my new purchase Stoner all deserve a bit of attention over the Christmas period when I'm zonked out on the sofa and the thought of moving for anything other than the last mince pie is inconceivable...but that's alongside any new books I get for Christmas and the five million that are strewn on my bedside table too. I think I can take two things from this: 1) I need to try and limit myself to one book at a time to have any hope of finishing them before I get distracted and 2) I should probably reconsider where MIC sits in my life priorities...
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