The real title of this post should probably be something like 'Albums I like to listen to in the winter...or actually any time of the year (especially ma boi, Ben)', but that doesn't really have the same ring to it. Off we go:
1. Every Kingdom - Ben Howard - I'd go so far as to say this is the only album I have consistently listened to since its release. I’m cursed with a short attention span and usually go through bursts of playing things to death before I get bored and move on to the next, but there’s something about this record that just keeps me coming back. I absolutely, wholeheartedly love it - so much so that I spent a magical evening with the man himself in a Blackpool ballroom (unfortunately, it didn't consist of a one-on-one rehearsal of the Argentine tango). He was amazingly good live, plus he seems like if you took him home to your mum for a cuppa and a custard cream, it would take about fifteen minutes before she'd love him more than she loves you. I know that’s not one of the traditional criteria for assessing musical worth, but still, it helps. I'll stop talking about him now, promise.
2. Early in the Morning - James Vincent McMorrow - Things I love about JVM: 1) He's incredibly talented, 2) he has an impressive beard, 3) he's Irish. This is the perfect album to listen to when it's one of those frosty but sunny days and you fancy freezing your butt off on a bit of a wander through some kind of field/woodland area. Is it just me that plans a soundtrack for every occasion...?
3. Bon Iver - Bon Iver - If you read this post about their show I went to last year, you will know all about my love of Bon Iver. Again, this is something I listen to no matter what season we're in, but I just feel like it lends itself to winter particularly well - I dunno if it's just me, but it makes me think of snow, log cabins and Scandinavia. Weird, but true. Oh, and of course Justin Vernon is a man whose power stems from his facial hair, much like another bearded fellow who pops up all over the place at this time of the year rocking an incredibly pimped-up red velvet suit.
So if there's one thing you can deduce from this little list it's that beard + guitar = good wintery music (unless you're Ben, in which case the beard isn't necessary).
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